Post apocalyptic forest fairy and art nude photoshoot in the abandoned alumina factory of Almásfüzitő
MadMax / Zombie apocalypse and art nude with grudge surfaces in the abandoned lab and surroundings of the alumina factory of Almásfüzitő
Brute Nature. A conceptual photo series about the crude roughness, the brutal, unforgiving side of nature, with the presence of human body
Portrait / Fashion shoot in the abandoned bus factory in Szigetszentmiklós (open concept)
Photoshoot in Puky Castle, open concept
Portrait / Fashion shoot in the abandoned swimming pools of Tungsram Beach in Budapest (open concept)
Portrait / Fashion / Commercial shoot in some of the abandoned Villas of the Buda Hills (open concept, several locations)
Post apocalyptic and art nude photoshoot in the abandoned Forte film factory
Covered in blood. Art nude photoshoot in the forest
Kőbánya street walk. Fashion editorial style or acrobatic photoshoot.
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